Tiffin is an Indian English word for a type of meal. You can buy meals from tiffin service providers if you do not have the time to cook meals yourself. Usually tiffin providers will give you home made tiffin at very affordable costs. You can order tiffin daily, weekly or even monthly depending on the provider. Some tiffin providers will give you veg food and non veg food too. click here to order tiffin
why you choose us- how we are different to other
We provide you food in tiffin Like if your worker and you don’t have time to cook your food for afternoon. Then that tiffin service provider can provide you food at your place at whatever time you told. Being a multi tiffin service provider, customer chooses their favorite menu .We have listed some famous service provider based on customer feedback.
1-Mr. Thal – The Most popular tiffin service provider serving in 80% area of Lucknow CLICK HERE –